Monday, August 11, 2008

This blog really has gone downhill. Ha ha! Well nothing much is new except that I just turned 16 (and got a laptop!), and will be starting school in 3 weeks. I'm pretty excited! I'm loving life and living every day to it's fullest :) I have been hanging out with friends and being your average, yet not average teen. I don't get into all the crap a lot of teens get themselves into. I plan to make my life as healthy and amazing as possible...except I don't eat that healthy. ha ha! Anyhoo...if anyone is even reading anymore...drop by and say hi!


Amy said...

Just dropping in to say hi :) Hope you're doing ok!
I dont know if you'll even remember me :D hehe

Jennifer said...

Of course i remember you Amy! :) I didn;t get your comment until now though haha :)