I love's my life. My Ipod is my sidekick, especially when writing essays in English. Hey, that strategy earned me a 100% so I am continuing on with that :) I have headphones threaded through my headboard, and they lay right next to my head as I sleep...softly playing music from said beloved Ipod.
Choir is my favorite class and always will be. I hope the college I go to offers a choir class. If not, I will be heartbroken forever. I am hoping, praying, and crossing my fingers that I will be in Chamber choir my senior year. I just auditioned yesterday and I think I did pretty well. Much better than last year's audition!
I like all kinds of music...except music with nasty words, meanings, heavy metal, rap, screamo, etc. I don't have a favorite song.
Anyways, just some random thoughts about music.
Till next time,
Finally, Better Days...
1 week ago
As to your question on my blog tonight, OF COURSE!!
Thank you!! :)
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