I had my first day of school today. It was awesome! It was tiring too, but I'll get to that in a second.
It started with Jag Crew. The Jag Crew is a team of upperclass students who help out the sophomores and prepare assemblies. It's called "Jag" crew because we are the Emerald Ridge Jaguars. We had an assembly and played some games to get to know the people in our advisory classes and all that and so we could get the weird schedule explained to us. The schedule goes something like this: On mondays, we have periods 1, advisory, 3, and 5. on Tuesdays we have periods 2, advisory, 4, and 6. on Wednesdays we have all classes except Advisory. Thursday is the same as Monday, and Friday is the same as Tuesday. Does that make sense? Every class is an hour and a half long, and on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridys we have "Jag time." Jag time is a half hour to do whatever you want. It's "supposed" to be for studying, but nobody uses it for that. People mostly use it as a break time sort of thing.
Varsity womens choir is awesome. We learned two pages of a music piece within 5 minutes with barely any of Mr. Dennis's help. Finally a choir that understands that we can try to learn ourselves first and THEN get help! We will be singing in a competition at Disneyworld In Orlando, Florida in Spring. We were gonna take a family trip to Mexico During Spring Break, but the Florida trip takes up until Wednesday of Spring Break so change of plans. Okay, so we really haven't gotten much info on it so we are Just looking into it. We aren't sure if we are doing it or not but we will most likely do it.
Okay, onto the tiring subject. I came home and was absolutely EXHAUSTED. I crashed on the couch for about two hours, which sounds like nothing out of the ordinary for a normal teen.....but I NEVER sleep during the day....ever. I then started getting this terrible headache. Mom and Dad left for a night alone, and while they were gone I got quite the scare. Apparently my body was no longer used ot all the germs floating around a school environment and I started burning up.....FAST. I looked in the mirror and my cheeks were RED. very very red and burning hot. And the rest of my face was snow white (okay so it usually is cuz I don't tan easily but MORE white then usual). I then checked my temp and it was 102. Called Mom and she told me to take a nice cold bath. It helped a bit and I am feeling a little better now. I checked my temp before I started writing this and it was down to 99.7. So We'll see what tomorrow brings!
I had a good first day of school for the most part and Can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings!
Have a great night everyone! I'm off to bed!
Finally, Better Days...
1 week ago
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