My sister Rebekah, who has cerebral palsy, was riding a horse for therapy, and she fell off. She has internal damage...but she's out of the hospital and doing well. But she still needs prayers! Can you all please take some time to pray for my precious Bekah? She's my "big" sister in God's way (she's a year older then me but is 5 inches shorter and 15 pounds lighter then me...hey, makes it easier for me to tend to her needs if she's small!) and I don't want her to be hurt. Thank you so much! JenniferHere is a picture of Bekah so you know what she looks like. She is on the left. She always smiles so big that you can't even see her eyes! Sorry about the coloring....
Prayers for Bekah. SO sorry to hear that she had that accident.
What a sweet photo!
I love that photo! I will definitely keep her in my prayers!
Thank you so much you two! I will tell her that you are praying for her!
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