I am having mixed feelings about my upcoming graduation...
I don't want to leave yet, because I know I will lose touch with a lot of people. Also, high school years are the best of your life. They went by so fast. Emerald Ridge is a great place, and there will be many memories and friends that will be left behind. I have a life ahead of me, I know that...I am just not ready to leave high school.
Yet, I want to be done, because I am through with the drama...especially in chamber choir. There are a few people in there that will remain nameless that I cannot stand. One of them, I am sure, nobody can stand. I'm done with being judged, through with not being accepted for who I am. Also, I don't like being told I can't do something. If I am determined to do something, I am going to do it, and nobody will stop me.
Everything seems to be about how people look these days. I am a kind person that cares about everyone (caution: next paragraph may counterbalance that). Then why have I never had a boyfriend? It's because I don't wear make up, and sometimes go to school with crappy hair. I wish people would look deeper than the surface.
And seriously. People in high school are SO ungrateful for what they have. I hear countless times a day how much parents seem to suck, and how lame people's lives are because their cell phone died or their car got taken away. Come on....get a grip! At least you HAVE those things. I am thankful for everything I have. I know, I am spoiled...but I don't complain over small things like that. At least I have a shelter and am relatively healthy. Someone, right now, is in a hospital, begging God for the opportunity we have. Learn to cherish what you have, and stop focusing on the bad. And to a certain someone....you don't need to tell everyone about your backaches, your cold, your "terrible life", and every single sickness, heartache, and pain you have. It was fine at first, but every day, you have something to complain about and it's getting old! And if someone tries to say something that they're going through, you just say "I'm sorry" in an unmeaningful way, and follow up with something you're going through to try to make that person "feel better". News flash, it doesn't make anyone feel better. And most of the time, what you respond with isn't as crappy as what was told by the other person in the first place.
Exhibit A: "I'm having a tough time at home right now, I just want to get out of the house"
You: "that's okay...if it makes you feel any better, I got my car taken away today cuz I gave mom an attitude."
Hey, you deserved it. You don't disrespect your parents. And how is that supposed to make "exhibit A" feel better?
Anyway, I'm done now. I need to go sleep in my nice warm bed that I am so grateful to have. Goodnight.
Finally, Better Days...
1 week ago