Everyone has their moments. Nobody's perfect.
Imperfections make us beautiful. I break out on my face on occasion, I have freckles, but I don't cover it up with make up. I walked late. My ankles roll in, and my balance is horrible. My laugh is probably one of the funniest things you will ever hear.
These things help shape who I am. I like being imperfect. Our society today tells us to be perfect, and it's impossible. God's will is not perfect. If it was, he'd send Jesus to be born in a palace with marble walls, not a stable. Everything happens for a reason. The only thing that matters is living for the Lord. He chooses your path, and following it can be tough, and we all fall short. He will forgive you.
One example of his word is Kayleigh. She is a true miracle. She had days to hours to live, and then they found a solution to why she was doing so bad, and is doing MUCH better. Read her story: http://www.kayleighannefreeman.blogspot.com/
Another example is me. After my mom had a surgery to have a cone shaped portion of her uterus taken out due to cancerous cells, the docs told her it was impossible for her to get pregnant. Well, she did the impossible. The docs told her she would misscarry if she even did so much as pick up a broom. Best case scenario would be a preemie baby. If she were to make it to term, I would be deformed. Guess what? I am here today, typing this blog post, a junior in high school. I am normal!
My friends are the best. I don't know what I would do without them. I really wish I could see some of them more, but most of them are all older than me, and therefore in college. Most of them I met in choir last year. Choir kids are quality kids. I have never met a mean choir freak. Ok I take that back. But whatever, that was a long time ago. Anyway, I am very blessed in the friend front. All my friends are real, and genuine. I like people for the Person they are, not the way they dress, or their outer qualities. People who become friends with me over a shirt are FAKE. I am me, and I don't need to change who I am or be two-faced to impress my friends. I like who I am and that is what counts. If you don't like me, then that is your choice. One friend or one-hundred, I will be satisfied either way.
Anyway, that is about it for tonight, this is just a disjointed post about stuff that popped into my head. I will post about my family later. Peace out :)
Finally, Better Days...
1 week ago